When you can and cannot use the Rent-a-Room Scheme
The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. If you are using this scheme, you
The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. If you are using this scheme, you
The annual exempt amount applicable to Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is currently £6,000 and is set to be reduced to £3,000 from April 2024. CGT is
Landlords have a legal obligation to keep their rented property in good condition, and any gas or electrical systems must meet specified safety standards. There are
There are a number of online tools available to help find information about a property in England or Wales, even if you do not own
Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is payable whether you buy a freehold property, a new or existing leasehold property or a shared ownership property. SDLT
The Let Property Campaign provides landlords who have undeclared income from residential property lettings in the UK or abroad with an opportunity to regularise their
There are special rules where a property is let at less than a commercial rate or isn’t let on commercial terms. These rules also apply
The Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) came into effect from 1 April 2013. The tax applies to certain Non-Natural Persons (NNPs) that own interests
The Mortgage Guarantee Scheme was set to end on 31 December 2022. In a last-minute announcement from HM Treasury, it was confirmed that the scheme